Thursday 8 May 2014

The final at Elinor.

A few days before the final I got a call from Ian Barr offering me a wild card , which I was very happy to accept I travelled up on the friday evening with Andy griffin and Adam Thomas , staying over night in Thrapton we made the most of a full days practice on the saturday between the allowed hours of 7 and 2.
      The practice day was very hard with out any of us landing a fish after trying many various methods I came upon the correct method by  accident and lost my only fish of the da. This being a team of blobs fished stattic on a floating line . At the draw I drew peg 10 on the corner of the dam giving me a bit of confidence for match day .
       Well match day came and went I only took one fish that being a pike , Andy however managed 5 and Adam 2 . A thoughrally good experience one im looking forward to repeating in the future ,

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