Friday 23 May 2014

Step bt step olive shuttlecock by Lewis Rumble.

Dressing .
12 grub hook
Thread : olive utc 70
Body :bolive utc 70
Rib : olive stripped peacock quill covered with a layer of Deer Creek Diamond fine u.v. resin
Thorax : hairs ear
Thorax cover : natural CDC
Wing : natural CDC

Catch your thread in at the eye .
Bring your thread to the bend of the hook.
Catch in the quill at the bend and cover it with touching turns.
Bring the quill up in open turns to create a segmented rib .

                                         Cover the rib with a coat of deer creek diamond fine resin .

Set the resin with a u.v. torch.
Tie in the biots and cut them quite short.
Catch in CDC  near the eye cover and cut of the excess.
Tie in the hairs ear thorax.
Bring the CDC over the thorax and place two turns off thread under the CDC just to cock it up from the eye, then whip finish and place a little deer creek fine on the thread, then set it and the fly is complete.










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